Friday, 31 October 2014

Amboseli Sopa Lodge Making Life Easier for Tourists amidst Sub-Saharan Wilderness

The Amboseli National Park is a renowned wildlife reserve in Kenya. It is interesting to note here that the park has got its name from the Amboseli Lake. The wildlife sanctuary spans across an area of about 4,000 sq km. It is home to a thick and diversified variety of wild birds and animals, which include elephant, lion, impala, ostrich, hippo, giraffe, zebra, leopard and crocodile, etc. As such, this exotic treasure house of nature is frequented by a thick number of tourists from all parts of the world. In order to provide this ever increasing group of people with proper lodging and eating facilities several dependable options have come up, right within the park.

Out of all these options, Amboseli Sopa lodge deserves being uniquely mentioned. This lodge is located right inside the vast park, right at the foothills of the majestic Mt. Kilimanjaro. This factor undoubtedly adds to the aesthetic appeal of the place. The periphery of the lodge is covered by typical African vegetation like thorn trees, frangipanis, bougainvillea and giant cactuses, etc. In all there are 83 cottage-style living units in the lodge, each of which has attached verandah. As such, the cottage offers optimum privacy to each group of guests and at the same time emanates a warm homely atmosphere. 

Amboseli Sopa Lodge

Various amenities that the lodge provides amidst unbelievable sub-Saharan wilderness include

  • Separate outdoor pools for kids and adults
  • Hair salon
  • Impeccable laundry service and
  • A safe, etc.

Every room has an installed TV set and the lodge also facilitates a currency exchange counter for the convenience of foreign tourists. The Sopa lodge at Amboseli is also renowned for serving an impressive range of exotic foods. The bar serves all the premium drinks in the world at comparatively reasonable cost.

In short, the lodge provides excellent urban facilities that make life much simpler for the guests.

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