Thursday, 28 August 2014

Amboseli National Park in Kenya - Nature’s Treasure-Trove

The continent of Africa is rich in wild reserve. Entire continent is located within the tropics, which has helped her sustain the conditions favourable for rich wildlife. In fact, the continent is the most popular destination for eco tourism and jungle safari across the world. There are as such, infinite varieties of wild insects, animals and birds that are found across the continent. Some of the most spectacular species include invertebrates like giant African snails, venomous snakes, fishes, birds, elephants, lions, rhinos, crocodiles, giraffes, ostriches, hippos, pole cats, caracals and pangolins, etc.

In this exotic land where wild beasts roam about freely with all their natural charm, it is obvious there will at least be a few significant reserve forests and national parks. Out of all the reserve forests across the continent, Amboseli National Park in Kenya deserves especial mentioning. The extensive park is located close to Tanzanian border, hardly some 250 kilometres south of Nairobi. The reserve park is one of the major tourist destinations across the continent. A vast and diverse stream of tourists visits Africa every year just to imbibe into the priceless natural flora and fauna that Amboseli forest offers. As such, it is one of the major sources of earning foreign currency in the content.

Most strikingly, natural vegetation across the area is too diversified. It consists of

  • Typical savannah grasses
  • Acacia plants and trees and
  • Thorny bushes

Moreover, the park encompasses several interesting natural features, namely

  • Lake Amboseli and
  • Natural swamps like OlTukai and OloKenya, etc.

These apart, there is a towering observation hill that provides an excellent panoramic view of the Mount Kilimanjaro. Given the abundance of wild species, the park offers the best chances of coming across myriads of wild beasts, right in their natural surroundings, almost at any time of the day!

Lake Amboseli is a small natural lake that dries up during the scorching and prolonged summer months. The lake bed appears to be shimmering white from the dried salts of the lake’s soaked up water. However, with advent of monsoon the lake overflows and the entire surroundings get converted into lush greenery.

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